Gary Dakin – Psychic Instant Messaging

Gary Dakin – Psychic Instant Messaging



Hi My name is Gary Dakin and I invite you to participate in Psychic Instant Messaging with me.

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Third Generation Psychic


I am a third generation psychic and have far seeing powers of perception.

I myself or one of my gifted intuitives can guide you to a clarity that you thought was not possible.

True Illumination


True illumination is a precious gift that will allow you to chase the impossible and win.

Start Your Journey


Look to your right for a green light to start the journey that will be life changing and fun.

Inner Sancum And More


Click below to enter my inner sanctum, news and reviews and paranormal accounts.



Watch my video above of my exiting psychic show.

Find Out More


Google my name if you wish and read of my many challenge’s and stars of stage and screen endorsements

Inner Sanctum - Gary Dakin


23 Responses to Gary Dakin – Psychic Instant Messaging

  • Do u think ill ever be with the rite person

  • What was the reason my son did what he did

    • There are many mysteries in actions and tragedy there is sometimes no clear rhyme or reason to the will of the universe.

  • I would like to say thank-you for your help, i actually found you on the text messaging service over a year ago !. You helped me out with my son who was moving out i was wondering how he was going to cope cause there was a fella at the house i wasn’t too keen on living at the same property. Everything has now worked out my son is happy, and the other lodger finally moved out recently ! You was spot on, Thank You, Sandra.

  • Hi how do I go about having a private reading with you?

  • What lovely comments about my site blessings to you all

  • I’m having trouble in my love life, will I’ll ever be with the particular guy that I’m waiting for ?

  • Ok, is this what you mean? I’ve no idea if this is right Gary?? But hey, here goes haha!! You received my text yes? =)

  • hello,I am worried about my love life. I broke up last year with my ex eric and soon met shaun. it was like love at first sight, he claims i am his soulmate and intends to marry me someday but at times i feel like he really doesn’t love me nor cherish me enough. please help, im in turmoil and i don’t know what to think or do.Is he the one for me?

  • thanks for your reading tonight , not sure if i feel any better thinking the only way out is for hubby to stop living, feel sad and hope i would have the courage in the end to leave. depressed even more , so right in the fact am exhausted to even keep working. hopefully in the future you may see things different. ive always thought i have a black shadow over me as i feel i am the most unlucky person going at times.

  • i tried to log in as it wont let me go in? i did click forget password nothing work!

  • Will I have anymore children?

  • gary, will i ever have the future i dream of and want so much with my ex? please help me

  • Hi Gary you did me a reading back in July and told me some reassuring stuff…..I’m living my life by what u have said. How accurate do u think it is?

  • When will my husband be back? September 17 1980

  • How do I get onto instant messaging

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